Faculty of Engineering

Ngoc Tran Hong
Lecturer cum Academic Coordinator for the Computer Science
Computer Science Department, Faculty of Engineering
Tel: 84- (0) 650-2220990, Ext. 116. Office A108, Binh Duong - VGU campus
Ngoc is currently a lecturer in Computer Science and Mathematics at the Faculty of Engineering at the Vietnamese-German University, Vietnam. She obtained a Bachelor degree in Information Technology (2004) and a Master degree in Computer Science (2008) from the University of Science, Vietnamese National University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (VNU-HCM). She received a Ph.D. diploma in Computer Science (2016) from the University of Insubria, Italy.

She had been an assistant lecturer (2004 - 2008) and a lecturer (2008 – 2016) at the University of Science, VNU-HCM before being a lecturer at the Vietnamese-German University (2016 – present).

Her research interests include
• Big data mining in healthcare, smart cities, anomaly detection.
• Blockchain-based models.
• Privacy-preserving and applied cryptography in a variety of applications as reputation systems, social networks, mobile networks, data mining, healthcare, and smart cities.

[Research Experience]
• Researcher, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland (2018-2021)
- Project: Big data of Obesity (BigO) in Childhood in Europe (https://bigoprogram.eu/), H2020, funded by the European Commission.
- BigO collects and analyses anonymous data on children's behavioral patterns and their living environment. With advanced analytics, BigO extracts data-driven evidence on which local factors are involved, and how these factors influence childhood obesity in Europe. With this information, BigO will be able to advise clinics and public health authorities on how to develop and plan effective programs and policies in an attempt to reduce childhood obesity.
- She also collaborated with the research team at the University of Oulu, Finland, and supervised a Ph.D. student intern from this university.

• Visiting Researcher, CorpLab, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore (March – April 2017)
- Project: Professorship Start-up Grant funded by Vietnamese-German University, Vietnam.
- Topic: “Privacy-preserving data mining”.
- We worked on a new privacy-preserving lightweight model fitting the features of the data mining process.

• Doctoral Researcher, STRICT SociaLab, University of Insubria, Italy (2013 – 2016)
- Project: Security-aware execution of collaborative processes
- The work investigates a variety of secure multi-party collaborations in mobile networks, MANET, social networks (used Twitter and Epinions SNAP datasets), and web service compositions. The models are either distributed or centralized or hybrid. The work also supports multiple parties not to reveal their personal data to the other sides.

• Researcher, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France (2012)
- Project: Amore funded by Toulouse City.
- Working on human behavior detection in a close area (using UbiSense equipment for retrieving real-time data from sensors), database privacy, and a survey on vehicle network privacy (esp., a dataset of Yellow Cab network in New York, USA).

• Researcher, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan (2009)
- Project: Facts quantification from collected social network data.
- Quantifying the sensitive information accidentally leaked from posts that users write on their social network sites.
- Used statistical data on population in five-year age groups and prefectures (2005) in Japan provided by the Statistical Survey Department, Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan.

• Exchange scholar, Portland State University (PSU), Portland City, Oregon State, USA (Fall term 2010 – 2011)

[Other professional activities]
• She was the female role model in research at the School of Computer Science at University College Dublin, Ireland in 2020.
• Organizing an international conference in Ho Chi Minh City in 2017. The invited speaker was Prof. Shamir, the inventor of the RSA public key scheme (http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=60862).
• She has been chair of several international conferences, workshops. Some latest organizations include:
- Track chair of 18th annual Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC), UCD, Ireland, 2020.
- Track chair of iSAI-NLP, Thailand, 2020.
- Publicity co-chair of Cyber Science, DCU, Ireland, 2020.
- International advisory committee member, 8th International Conference on Recent Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICRCET), Singapore, 2020.
- Women in Big Data, Zurich, Switzerland.
- ……
• and has been a reviewer of several international conferences and journals.
all 2021 2020 2019 older
Full proceeding in International conference or national conference: Tran Hong Ngoc, CRYSTAL: A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Reputation Management, 2021 , 2nd International Conference on Networks and Internet of Things , 1 , 1-14
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