Faculty of Engineering

Hien Tong Duy
Lecturer in Materials Science and Technology of Sensors
Faculty of Engineering
Ph.D in Materials Science, Sensor Technology, Micro/nano fabrication at MESA Research Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands; June 2004.
Postdoc at BIOS - Lab-on - a - Chip Group, MESA Research Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands; 2007-2009.
Co-founder and CTO of Nanosens Research B.V, The Netherlands, 2005-2017.
Vice Director of Institute for Nanotechnology, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh, 2008-2013.
Researcher at Institute for computational science (INCOS), Ton Duc Thang University, 2017-2019.
Lecturer in Materials Science and Technology of Sensors, Coordinator of Materials Science program at Vietnamese German University since April, 2019.


Sensor technology
Micro-nanotechnology in general
Materials Science in General
Specific micro/nano fabrication for sensors
Specific micro/nano fabrication and utilization of integrated devices and systems
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